CronaVirus & COVID19

"If there was no compulsion, every servant would be God."

(Coronavirus and COVID-19)

We have learned the art of flying in the air, we have uncovered the hidden secrets of nature in the depths of the ocean. We have planted the flags of our victories on the moon, we can travel thousands of kilometers in a few hours. In today's digital world, we are always aware of happenings all over the world. We have made countless inventions in the world of medicine, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy, and mathematics. We have made our lives very comfortable and relaxed. The facilities that the common man of today is enjoying, a century and a half ago, these facilities were not available even to the kings, maharajas, and kings of that time.

We human beings, on the one hand, are proud of our eternal progress but on the other hand, we look helpless and helpless in the face of nature in many matters. In the world of medicine, where man has made invaluable inventions, there are numerous problems that have been researched for many years, but so far the human intellect has been unable to answer these questions, such as the cure for death and old age. History has shown that the king of a great empire, with unlimited power, became helpless and compelled in the face of a lowly mosquito. And that same mosquito caused him humiliation, disgrace, and death. No matter how much we try to be powerful, Allah Almighty reminds us of our times with a slight hindrance.

Someone asked Hazrat Ali (R.A)! How powerful is a man in the world? He said: Raise one foot. The man raised one foot. He said, "Now try to lift the other foot as well." The man said, "Hazrat, this is not in my power. He said: Man has only so much power. If man were one hundred percent powerful, he would spread sedition and disorder on earth.

“Necessity breaks the pride of selflessness
If there was no compulsion, every servant would be God”

God Almighty disliked arrogance and conceit; it was arrogance that made the greatest devotee (Iblis) the devil and it was humility that gave Adam the happiness of being God's caliph on earth. ۔ Humility is the attribute of God's virtuous and chosen people, thanks to whom they will prosper in this world and in the hereafter. The tragic end of the proud people in the pages of history will be preserved till the Day of Judgment.

Despite being advanced and self-sufficient, we have been helpless in the face of a coronavirus for the past few days. This tiny, mysterious creature has shocked the whole world. So far, this creature has extinguished the lamp of many lives, cut off the land and air connectivity of many countries. Lack of transportation has led to a dramatic drop in the prices of petroleum products. The world economy is declining day by day.

The virus was named the coronavirus because of its resemblance to the Crown. The virus belongs to the family of influenza viruses, which affect the respiratory system. It is a type of zoonotic virus that is transmitted from animals to humans. More cases have been reported in China in areas where bats were consumed as food. The disease has affected almost four million people around the world, with nearly 0.3 million deaths. America, England, Russia, France, and Germany are worst-affected countries. The death rate from this disease is only nine and a half percent.

The virus enters the respiratory tract through the mouth and nose and causes diseases such as coughs, colds, respiratory problems, and pneumonia. After settling down there, it breaks down the airways and enters the bloodstream. Due to the circulation of blood, it reaches the rest of the body and affects these organs. Such as kidney failure, liver, and heart failure. Most deaths from pneumonia are due to organ failure. The elderly, heart, liver, and kidney patients are more affected.

Early symptoms include colds, flu, fever, headaches, coughs, dizziness, and fatigue, and if the virus enters the digestive system, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting and dysentery have also been reported in 25% of patients.

Because it is a type of virus, it is not affected by any antibiotics. Antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infections. To avoid this deadly disease, you need to take some precautions to prevent the virus from entering your body. The following are the precautions recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Wash hands with soap or alcoholic sanitizer, cover face and mouth with face mask, avoid touching eyes, mouth, and nose repeatedly. Stay away from suspects, avoid traveling as much as possible, avoid attending gatherings. Remember that there is no vaccine or antibiotic for this disease, so avoid any treatment other than the one prescribed by the doctor.

So far, no cure has been found for this disease. Most patients recover on their own. Life is in the hands of God, and those who believe in God are not afraid of death. Microbiologists around the world are working day and night to develop vaccines to fight the coronavirus. Hopefully soon a cloud of despair will shine. May Allah, the Exalted, be your supporter and helper and protect you and your family from this deadly disease. Amen!


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